Blondie's Site (Continued)
And still more pics of Victoria...
Woodford Folk Festival 2008
Victoria 2009
More pics of Victoria 2009
And still more pics of Victoria...
Sydney Weekend - Kings of Leon

The hire car had been making what sounded like noisy brakes (metal against metal) and when we left the Grampians it sounded worse. So we stopped in a place called Hamilton and took the car to the RACV.
We couldn't thank these guys enough! They fixed the car within a couple of hours, even organising it with the car hire place, and gave us a car so we could drive to the botanical gardens and have lunch while we waited.
A big thank you to John and the staff at the RACV in Hamilton Victoria.


After collecting the car we were back on the road again to Portland (my favourite place).



Even though it was chilly right down here on the southern coast of Australia, Portland in Victoria is a lovely little spot. Mum and I freeeeeezing but having fun lol.



We stayed at a B & B in Portland which was just delightful. The Whalers Cottage was originally the lighthouse keeper's cottage and was moved stone by stone to its current site in 1890.



The following day we'd booked a boat ride out to the seal caves. A 15 minute walk along this track to the jetty (brrrrrr it was freezing again lol). The views were stunning though.




Even Vinnie, our tour operator AND a local, said HE was cold which made me feel a bit better! I can thoroughly recommend the Seals by Sea Tours operating out of Cape Bridgewater (and again it's how I like to see wildlife, in their natural habitat).


Jenny and Robyn looking adventurous!!


The water was absolutely the bluest blue...just beautiful. It was tricky trying to get photos of the seals as it was a little windy and rough, so I just kept clicking and managed to get about 3 good photos and deleted about 20 lol.





The seals entered the water and even though it's tricky to see here, they form a "raft" for protection. They float all together and if one sees a shark or danger they'll flap a flipper to warn the rest of the group.

More pics to come.....



