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Woodford Folk Festival 2008
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Another great day was had at the 2008 Woodford Folk Festival


Arriving - the Woodford Folk Festival is held every year from 27 December to 1 January (rain, hail or shine).  It is held at Woodford which is situated approximately an hour and a half north of Brisbane in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. While it's advertised as a "folk" festival it's much more than this and features a wide variety of performers and speakers...AND this year it was dry unlike the mud bath in 2007 lol (see my old web site for those pictures).


My daughter Kylie, my sister Kathy, my cousin Patti and I all travelled to Woodford for the annual folk festival. We had such a great time (again) that we've decided to stay there for a few days next year.


The Woodford festival is held on farmland on the Sunshine Coast hinterland. The cows under this tree must be used to it by now because they quite happily watched the passing parade of festival goers.


Ash Grunwald - it's a bit hard to see from this pic but Ash is up the front there doing his thing. I think he was ONE of the stand out performers we saw all day!!!


Ash had the crowd going off!!! Later during the day we also saw Lior here. He was just brilliant and I'm sorry I didn't get any photos of him.


Me - blame Kylie for the blurry shot lol but I was "bopping" to The Wells - a local Brisbane band we discovered during the night.


To end the night we wandered over to the amphitheatre (a large hillside that creates a natural stage area at the foot) to see Josh Pyke and last but not least Jackson Jackson.

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